داستان آبیدیک

مختل المشاعر



1 Law:: ■ adj mentally disordered ■ n mentally disordered person (Imbecille – The term is no longer in use since the reclassification of mentally disordered persons under the Mental Health Act, 1950 – JBSo (Non compos mentis – a phrase sometimes used of mentally disordered persons, and less frequently of persons suffering from temporary loss of memory or drunkenness – JBS (Receiver – under s. 105 of the Mental Health Act, 1959, a judge may by order appoint a receiver for a mentally disordered person – JBS ● non compos mentis (Lat) : Not sound of mind; insane. This is a very general term, embracing all varieties of mental infirmity – HCB ● of unsound mind

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